The Origin of the Universe from a Great Amorphous Water Ice. 

Author; Rogelio Pérez Casadiego 

This paper presents a new theory about the origin of the universe, based on a great ice of water, that filled it all, this was in a state of low density, (the ice has the characteristics of three spatial dimensions and one, as the dimensions of the universe), which by a physical process known as spontaneous sublimation (given in the closed thermodynamic system),it produced the beginning of the universe, as it originated a first phase change of the universe, changes that continue to this day. This theory is presented as a new and better alternative to explaining the origin of the universe than the big bang theory, because it does not need invalid or nonexistent laws of physics (singularity), to explain the first state of the universe. 


This new theory on the origin of the universe, teaches that the universe originates from the water ice amorphous. Affirms that the universe was in a state of low density (which is a relationship between the amount of the substance that contains and the volume that occupies) and spontaneously occurred a sublimation. This change of state spontaneously is a feature in the thermodynamic systems closed. When the ice changes to gas, this process physical is known as sublimation. The increase in energy due to sublimation, originated a movement of rotation in this matter (the sublimation creates an effect of torsion in the bodies) This movement of rotation to the go increased, produces a pressure in the gas, changing of State to the gas, in State liquid, then this rotation in the body of water is increased to accelerate it originating it energy electromagnetic, (all body enough hot emits radiation electromagnetic in the spectrum visible), Then this electromagnetic energy ionize water molecules of the universe, creating two classes of plasmas in the universe. A plasma of (+ H) and another (-OH), as we know about the water molecules when ionize. 

The big bang theory is the accepted theory for the explanation of the origin of the universe, but this explanation is not based on valid physical and mathematical principles, therefore, for the sake of truth, it must be replaced. 

The theory of the big bang consists in that the universe that earlier was a singularity infinitely dense, mathematically paradoxical, with a very high temperature, in a given moment beginning to expand, a large number of energy and matter separating everything, till now. 

According to the theory of the big bang, the universe originates from a singularity of matter, What is a singularity of matter? I will try to explain it, first we need to know, that it is a singularity; the word singularity is invoked in science when the laws of physics, mathematics or nature do not exist and if they exist they are not valid. 


When we talk about gravitational singularity, or spatio-temporal, it is defined as a space time area, where it is not possible to define any physical magnitude related to gravitational fields, such as curves or others, this is what the black holes originate[1] 

In technological science, when we talk about technological singularity, it is a point where machines rebel against man. Example; this originates a terminator. Film with Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

After this we have to recognize that the theory of big bang does not offer a valid explanation, for the origin of matter in the universe. 

Another point of the principles of big bang theory is that applied mathematics, to explain this origin of the universe, was based on a mathematical paradox. 

What is a paradox? Definition of Paradox; are invalid arguments, which start from invalid premises, but lead to situations contrary to common sense. 

Definition of mathematical paradox; it is called a mathematical paradox to certain notoriously false results, which seem to be inferred from rigorous demonstrations, but during which an operation has been performed that makes no sense or wrong reasoning, or a geometric construct whose layout is not correct[2] 

Finally the explanation of how the universe expanded, this explains it as similar behavior, how matter and known things expand, but, Does anyone have seen them expand an Empty? Why does matter and emptiness have the same behavior? 

This same explanation of the falsity of the big bang theory, given by scientists; 

The singularity of the Big Bang theory, comes out of the math of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how mass warps space-time, and another equation (called Raychaudhuri's equation) that predicts whether the trajectory of something will converge or diverge over time. Going backward in time, according to these equations, all matter in the universe was once in a single point — the Big Bang singularity. 

But that's not quite true. In Einstein's formulation, the laws of physics actually break before the singularity is reached. But scientists extrapolate backward as if the physics equations still hold, said Robert Brandenberger, a theoretical cosmologist at McGill University in Montreal. 

There are other problems brewing in physics — namely, that the two most dominant theories, quantum mechanics and general relativity, can't be reconciled.[3] 

A swedish physicist critic of the theory of the big bang and Nobel prize winner called Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén believed the problem with the Big Bang was that astrophysicists tried to extrapolate the origin of the universe from mathematical theories developed on the blackboard, rather than starting from known observable phenomena. He also considered the Big Bang to be a scientific myth devised to explain creation. [4] 

This theory of a Universe originated from water, has background in the old times of the philosopher and presocratic scientist, Tales of Miletus, this referred to the idea that everything was made of water, giving importance to movement. [5]. 

The bible teaches us that everything originates from Water "Heavens and Earth comes from water." 2 Peter 3: 5-7 (RVR1960), so the Spirit of God moved over the waters, as Genesis teaches. 

But at present scientific papers have been found; the start of the Universe should be modeled not as a Big Bang but more like water freezing into ice, according to a team of theoretical physicists at the University of Melbourne and RMIT University[6]. 

Science teaches that an accelerated mass will have to radiate energy, and the best candidate to accelerate and radiate energy, is the water because of their molecular combination the oxygen and the hydrogen, can be used as a raw material, to form all the elements of the earth and the universe, as explained by the Doctor William A. Fowleren in his writing the elements can be transmuted[7], moreover the percentage of the mass of the water molecule, explains perfectly 100% of matter in the universe" 

This theory also talk that the universe rotates due to the acceleration of the mass of water which originated and the scientist have said; “The universe was born spinning and continues to do so around a preferred axis – that is the bold conclusion of physicists in the US who have studied the rotation of more than 15,000 galaxies. While most cosmological theories have suggested that – on a large scale – the universe is the same in every direction, these recent findings suggest that the early universe was born spinning about a specific axis”[8] 

In the journal Nature came out in the following work that talk of the sublimation: “Here we present a sublimation heat engine, which can convert temperature differences into mechanical work via the Leidenfrost effect. The rotational motion of the dry-ice loads is converted into electric power by coupling to a magnetic coil system. We extend our concept to liquid loads, generalizing the realization of the new engine to both sublimation and the instantaneous vapourization of liquids. Our results support the feasibility of low-friction in situenergy harvesting from both liquids and ices”[9]. 

To explain the acceleration of the expansion of the universe, astrophysicists have invoked dark energy – a hypothetical form of energy that permeates all of space. A popular theory of dark energy, however, does not fit new results on the value of the proton mass divided by the electron mass in the early universe, the professor of astronomy of the University of Arizona, Rodger Thompson finds that a popular alternative to Albert Einstein's theory for the acceleration of the expansion of the universe does not fit newly obtained data on a fundamental constant, the proton to electron mass ratio [10]. 

A cosmological model with a large scale primordial rotation term of this order can give an accelerating universe mimicking a dark energy term."[11] 


This theory teaches that; the universe originated from a Great Amorphous Water Ice., which filled it all (ice has the characteristic of having three spatial dimensions and once, which we see today in the universe), which undergoes a phase change, due to a process known as spontaneous sublimation, which causes the beginning of the changes of the universe, moving from solid state to gaseous. the matter of the universe is transformed into a gas in rotation due to sublimation (according to this theory it is the cause by which all matter rotates in the universe). This gas then condenses due to movement, and then passes into the liquid state. This liquid has a rotational movement on its own axis, which continues to increase until it accelerates and starts to radiate energy, generating very high temperatures, changing this mass of water, in a gas that expands throughout the universe, subsequently in the atoms of this radiated energy, there is a spontaneous emission, due to the interaction with matter, and there begins this high energy to become photons (the whole body sufficiently heated emits electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum), then this gas that fills the universe, is attacked by high-energy photons, and water molecules are ionized by the absorption of high-energy light, which results in the loss of electrons from water molecules, which generates a division in the middle of this water gas, and the matter of the universe is divided into two types of plasma; 

The first plasma composed of negative hydroxyl ions (-OH), from this formed what we know today as dark matter, and its effect of piezoelectricity originates the force known as dark energy, this molecule constitutes 95% of all matter in the universe, from which the clouds of water, oceans, ice in the universe was originated. 

The second plasma is composed of hydrogen ions ( H) from which stars, galaxies and other astronomical structures currently observed originate, and constitute 5% of the matter of the universe. 


In conclusion we can say that the universe in the form of a great amorphous water ice had a beginning due to a first cause (spontaneous sublimation). We can also say that according to this explanation, space is independent of time, and that what we know as the age of the universe is the origin of light in the universe, which is the product of the energy of accelerated matter 

This theory also teaches that angular momentum, which gave rise to the movement of mass rotation in the universe, was the sublimation of this great amorphous ice. This rotational movement in the universe can be explained by the effect of torque produced by ice sublimation, at the angular momentum of the nucleus (rigid body). 

It is also possible to conclude that 100% of the mass of the universe was divided into two; one mass; it is formed by hydrogen atoms ( H) 5%, another mass, formed by the molecule of (-OH) 95%. 

Another conclusion of this work is that dark matter is originated by the hydroxyl molecule (-OH), in solid phase, and that piezoelectricity of this matter is what we know as dark energy. 


“paradojas y sofimas físicos” V.Langue.Ed. Mir, Moscu1984:11.2[2] 

Hannes Alfvén, Cosmology—Myth or Science? J Astrophysics and Astronomy, vol. 5, pp. 79-98, (1984). [4] [5] [6] 

Scientific America, Sept. 1956. Vol 195.Pág. 82. [7] [8] [9] 
