
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2020
The Origin of the Universe from a Great Amorphous Water Ice.  Author; Rogelio Pérez Casadiego  This paper presents a new theory about the origin of the universe, based on a great ice of water, that filled it all, this was in a state of low density, (the ice has the characteristics of three spatial dimensions and one, as the dimensions of the universe), which by a physical process known as spontaneous sublimation (given in the closed thermodynamic system),it produced the beginning of the universe, as it originated a first phase change of the universe, changes that continue to this day. This theory is presented as a new and better alternative to explaining the origin of the universe than the big bang theory, because it does not need invalid or nonexistent laws of physics (singularity), to explain the first state of the universe.  Introduction,  This new theory on the origin of the universe, teaches that the universe originates from the water ice amorphous.